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Customize Jack-in and Connect#

Since Jack-in and connect both are about connecting the REPL, and only differ in how the REPL is started, many settings and configuration points are shared between the two concepts. A major customization point is Custom Connect Sequences, which are relevant for both Jack-in and Standalone Connect scenarios.

This page lists some more Jack-in and Connect configuration options.

Customizing Jack-in#

The main mechanism for customizing your Jack-in, including automating menu selections, and custom CLJS REPL types is Custom Connect Sequences.

There are also these settings:

  • calva.autoStartRepl: If true, Calva will auto-start and connect the REPL (a.k.a. Jack-in) when a Clojure project is opened. NB: To fully automate the jack-in process, you need to configure calva.replConnectSequences such that one sequence is marked with autoSelectForJackIn, has projectRootPath set, and has menuSelections configured.
  • calva.jackInEnv: An object with environment variables that will be added to the environment of the Jack-in process.
  • calva.myCljAliases: An array of deps.edn aliases not found in the project file. Use this to tell Calva Jack-in to launch your REPL using your user defined aliases.
  • calva.myLeinProfiles: An array of Leiningen profiles not found in project.clj. Use this to tell Calva Jack-in to launch your REPL using your user defined profiles.
  • calva.openBrowserWhenFigwheelStarted: For Legacy Figwheel only. A boolean controlling if Calva should automatically launch your ClojureScript app, once it is compiled by Figwheel. Defaults to true.
  • calva.depsEdnJackInExecutable: A string which should either be clojure or deps.clj, or clojure or deps.clj (default). It determines which executable Calva Jack-in should use for starting a deps.edn project. With this setting at its default, clojure or deps.clj, Calva will test if the clojure executable works, and use it if it does, otherwise deps.clj will be used, which is bundled with Calva.
  • calva.jackInDependencyVersions: See below


When processing the calva.jackInEnv setting you can refer to existing ENV variables with ${env:VARIABLE}.

Options for the Jack-in Command#

The calva.jackIn command takes an optional options argument defined like so:

  options?: {
    connectSequence?: string | ReplConnectSequence;
    disableAutoSelect?: boolean;

Where ReplConnectSequence is a Connect Sequences. If you provide a string it needs to match against a built-in or custom connect sequence. With disableAutoSelect you can force the jack-in menus to be provided even if a custom connect sequence is set to be autoSelected.

You can provide these options from keyboard shortcuts or from Joyride scripts.

Here's a keyboard shortcut for connecting to a running REPL bypassing any connect sequence with autoSelectForConnect.

        "command": "calva.jackIn",
        "args": {"disableAutoSelect": true},
        "key": "ctrl+alt+c shift+j",

A Joyride command for starting a deps.edn REPL for a project in the root of the workspace.

 (clj->js {:connectSequence {:projectType "deps.edn"
                             :projectRootPath ["."]}}))

It will prompt for any aliases it finds in the deps.edn file.

Customizing Connect#

If there is an nRepl port file, Calva will use it and not prompt for host:port when connecting. You can make Calva prompt for this by setting the boolean config calva.autoSelectNReplPortFromPortFile to false.

With the setting calva.autoConnectRepl you can make Calva automatically connect the REPL if there is an nRepl port file present when the project is opened.

With this and the below mentioned auto-select options you can make connect a prompt-less experience. See: Connect Sequences.

Options for the Connect Command#

The calva.connect command takes an optional options argument defined like so:

  options?: {
    host?: string;
    port?: string;
    connectSequence?: string | ReplConnectSequence;
    disableAutoSelect?: boolean;

Where ReplConnectSequence is a Connect Sequences. If you provide a string it needs to match against a built-in or custom connect sequence. With disableAutoSelect you can force the connect menus to be provided even if a custom connect sequence is set to be autoSelected.

You can provide these options from keyboard shortcuts or from Joyride scripts.

Here's a keyboard shortcut for connecting to a running REPL bypassing any connect sequence with autoSelectForConnect.

        "command": "calva.connect",
        "args": {"disableAutoSelect": true},
        "key": "ctrl+alt+c shift+c",

A Joyride command for connecting to a REPL on port 55555, without being asked for project type:

(vscode/commands.executeCommand "calva.connect" (clj->js {:port "55555" :connectSequence "Generic"}))

Auto-evaluate Code on Connect#

You can have Calva evaluate code whenever a REPL has been connected via the calva.autoEvaluateCode.onConnect setting. It has two entries clj and cljs:

  • clj: "Code to evaluate when the Clojure REPL has been connected.
    • The default is code that refer in the repl-requires/REPL utilities (like source, doc, etcetera). (Note that there is also a command to do this on demand.).
    • Overriding the default replaces it. If you want to add code to be evaluated on connect this way, and keep the behaviour of auto-refering REPL utilities, you need to provide code for the latter (copy/pasting the default code will do). See also note below about concatenation of configurations.
    • The code will be evaluated before the afterCLJReplJackInCode in any connect sequence used.
  • cljs: Code to evaluate when the ClojureScript REPL has been connected.
    • The default is code that refer in the repl-requires/REPL utilities (like source, doc, etcetera). (Note that there is also a command to do this on demand.).
    • Same deal with overriding the default as with clj.

Set either of these to null to disable the feature for that REPL type. (The Settings linter will complain, but it works.)

For Clojure this is in addition to afterCLJReplJackInCode

There are two mechanisms for evaluating code when a Clojure REPL is connected. The afterCLJReplJackInCode setting of custom connect sequences, and this calva.autoEvaluateCode.onConnect.clj setting. There is no fundamental difference between them. This one has a default function of auto-refering in the Clojure REPL utilities. And it will be run before the connect sequence after-Jack-in code.

All configured code is concatenated

If you configure this both in User/global settings and in a Workspace, the workspace configured code will be concatenated on the user level code. Meaning both code snippets will be evaluated, first the User level code, then the Workspace level code. Also null disables the feature:

  • If you use null in the User level code, you will disable the onConnect code evaluation for all workspaces that do not configure code for this.
  • If you configure code on the User level it will be evaluated in all workspaces, except those that disable the feature by configuring null.

Auto-evaluate Code at file/namespace load/evaluation#

You can also make Calva auto-evaluate code when a file has been loaded in the REPL (via the Calva command for loading files). You add code for this via the calva.autoEvaluateCode.onFileLoaded setting. Like with onConnect you provide code for clj and cljs separately.

  • Note that custom commands substitutions are in play here as well.
  • Calva's does not provide defaults for this setting.
  • Merging works the same as with onConnect.

Starting the REPL from application code?#

If your project is setup so that the REPL server is started by the application code, you will need to get the cider-nrepl middleware in place. See the cider-nrepl docs about embedding nREPL in your application.

Auto-select Project Type and Project Root#

You can make both Jack-in and Connect stop prompting you for project type and project root path in projects where you always want to use the same. See Connect Sequences.

Project roots search globing#

When searching for project roots in your workspace, Calva will glob for all files matching project.clj, deps.edn, or shadow-cljs.edn. This is done using VS Code's workspace search engine, and is very efficient. However, in a large monorepo, it is still a substantial task. In order to not waste resources Calva will exclude any directories in the setting calva.projectRootsSearchExclude.

calva.projectRootsSearchExclude setting

Exclude entry globs

Each entry is a partial glob and will be part of a resulting glob of the form **/{glob1,glob2,...,globN}. This means that all directories in the workspace matching an entry will be excluded, regardless of where in the workspace they reside.


Viewing the Communication Between nREPL and Calva#

It may be helpful to view the messages sent between nREPL and Calva when troubleshooting an issue related to the REPL. See how to do that here.


Jack-in Dependency Versions#

Calva Jack-in injects the following dependencies in order for the REPL session to support IDE features

  • nrepl: nREPL is the wonderful piece of software that gives Calva a structured and extensible connection to the REPL in your Clojure and ClojureScript projects.
  • cider-nrepl: cider-nrepl is middleware that extends the nREPL connection with all sorts of nice stuff that Calva uses to give you a delightful IDE experience.
  • cider/piggieback: Piggieback is used to create nREPL sessions in ClojureScript projects. (Not with shadow-cljs projects though, which provides its own middleware for this.)

The versions used are configurable via the VS Code settings calva.jackInDependencyVersions.

Java 1.8 compatible versions

The default dependency versions are not compatible with Java 1.8. If your project needs that version of Java you can use these settings in your Workspace .vscode/settings.json:

"calva.jackInDependencyVersions": {
  "nrepl": "1.0.0",
  "cider-nrepl": "0.28.5",
  "cider/piggieback": "0.5.3"